Friends of the Plymouth District Library is a 501c3 organization that seeks to support Plymouth District Library through grant funding and personal donations. The Friends also rely on proceeds from our used book sale to provide enhanced library programming, staff training support, building improvements, and other general needs. Your support is welcome!
The purpose of the Friends of Plymouth District Library is as follows:
- To maintain an association of persons interested in books and libraries
- To assist in promoting knowledge of and participation in library needs
- To aid in providing funds to meet special library needs
- To support and cooperate with the library in developing services and facilities for the community
- To stimulate the gift of books, magazines, periodicals, desirable collections endowments and bequests
- To provide a channel for individuals and organizations to express ideas and make suggestions for library use and service
- To do all things to promote and foster the betterment of library services to all the Plymouth community
2023-2024 Board of Directors
Friends of the Plymouth District Library is led by a self-selected Board of Directors (not to be confused with the community-elected Library Board of Trustees).
President: Diane Cupps
Vice President: Mary Maurer
Secretary: Billy Wright
Treasurer: Sally Fedus
Contributions: Sharon Rucinski
Hospitality: Judy Morgan
Parliamentarian: Ellen Elliott
Used Books: Diane Cupps
At-Large: Debbie Chase, Duane DeFer

We are currently seeking to fill openings on our Board. Please email to inquire.